

Pellet furnace

Products > Heating Furnace Series > Pellet furnace

Pellet furnace

A biomass pellet furnace for coating and heating, characterized in that it includes a cold air inlet, a heating inner tube, an air filter, a negative pressure initiating device, a deflector, a hot air outlet, a spiral coil, and a heated inner cavity. The heating inner tube is provided with an upper part of the re-granulation furnace, and the outside of the heating inner tube shown is provided with an air filter. The air filter is provided with a cold air inlet and a hot air inlet. A negative pressure initiation device is provided in the space between the two, the deflector is disposed below the heating inner tube, the spiral judge is disposed in the heated inner cavity, and the surface of the spiral coil is flat. The tubes are in close contact.

观塘区| 张家港市| 余庆县| 清涧县| 长武县| 卫辉市| 西昌市| 东丽区| 定远县| 阳春市| 上高县| 太仆寺旗| 苍南县| 桑植县| 临泉县| 高台县| 同仁县| 荔浦县| 肃北| 襄樊市| 尉犁县| 桓台县| 定陶县| 合阳县| 德昌县| 丹江口市| 台北县| 尼勒克县| 北宁市| 微山县| 龙南县| 涟水县| 赞皇县| 拜城县| 南安市| 合阳县| 志丹县| 泸州市| 罗平县| 莱州市| 康保县|